The Sunday School program serves Pre-K through 6th Grade students. All of our students (parents are welcome to attend as well) assemble in the sanctuary at 9:40, right after the early service ends for an opening program. They hear announcements about upcoming activities, celebrate birthdays, are led in songs by our Music Director, participate in a Sunday School offertory, sing the Doxology and say the Lord’s Prayer and then disperse into their respective classrooms with their teachers. During class, the students participate in readings, crafts, discussions and service activities until 10:40.
The Sunday School calendar generally follows the local school district calendars, running from mid-September through mid-June. However you can enroll your children any time during the year. Sunday School registration forms are available in the hallway outside the sanctuary. Most classes are led by two-co-teachers.
Our theme for Sunday School this 2018-2019 year is “You’re Invited: Joining God at Work in the World”. In addition to what they are learning in their curriculum, we also provide opportunities for our kids to “accept their invitation”- to reach out, connect and help others all around the globe.
Each February, they participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring, collecting donations in soup pots for our local food pantries.
During Lent they participate in sorting donated clothing and toiletries for our Midnight Runs to serve the homeless in Manhattan. They decorate bags for the bag lunches which we distribute on the Runs. They travel to Manhattan on a Sunday morning Breakfast Run to serve the homeless a hot breakfast, with coffee, juice and fruit.
They donate items and assemble Kits for Lutheran World Relief. This Lent 2019, we are assembling Baby Care Kits. In 2018, it was School Supply Kits and in prior years Personal Care Kits, which have been distributed to displaced people in many countries.
In the fall, our Sunday School students run a bake sale to raise money for Rob Mercatante’s Human Rights Defenders Project in Guatemala. They also pack shoeboxes with small toys and personal care items in support of a Ukraine Christmas Shoebox ministry which reminds poor and orphaned children that we think of them and love them.
#youreinvited #ihaveaplaceatgrace
A highlight of the school year is the Sunday School pageant. In recent years, the Pageant has highlighted the theme of “Christmas Around the World”, celebrating Christmas traditions from many cultures and countries.